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Electrical Lockout Devices

Disconnect switches are often connected to electrical lines incoming into electrical panels. While locking out circuit breakers can be effective to isolate electrical energy, it is always best to Lockout disconnects if they are available as they provide true isolation.

Typical Disconnect Example

Typical Disconnect Example

There are different ways to lock out electrical disconnects depending on the application.

only one Authorized Employee is locking out the panel using the disconnect, then one of the following DEenergize padlocks series can be used:

Typical Padlock shown below.

Anodized Aluminum Padlock - Long Shackle Black

Anodized Aluminum Padlock - Long Shackle Black

If more than one employee needs to lock out the panel at the disconnect switch, then a hasp is needed to accommodate multiple padlocks and one of the following DEenergize devices can be used:

Typical Hasp shown below.

Various Lockout Hasps

Various Lockout Hasps

To inquire about purchasing DEenergize products please use the Contact Information page.

last modified: December 05, 2013   Printer Friendly   Top