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Standard Procedures

Our standard Lockout/Tagout Procedures are the most commonly requested and are widely used. Suitable for small-, medium- and large-sized equipment, this format is very flexible and can accommodate any number of energy sources.

A standard DEenergize Lockout/Tagout procedure offers a number of exclusive features that guide to ensure proper and safe Hazardous Energy isolation and Lockout. Notable features are as follows:

  • Identifies primary, secondary and stored energy sources
  • Identifies primary to secondary energy source relationship and subordination
  • Identifies potential Arc Flash hazards
  • Identifies number of locks required for zero energy state
  • Identifies associated and adjacent equipment with associated and adjacent energy sources
  • Provides a choice of graphical equipment layout or digital photos of actual equipment
  • Provides component-specific lockout and verification instructions
  • Provides instructional, component-specific energy source tags
  • Offers durable and long-lasting construction

The procedure placards can be fully customized to fit your needs and the format can be adjusted. Typical examples of Standard DEenergize placards are shown below:

Standard Procedures - Typical Examples

Standard Procedures - Typical Examples

DEenergize Lockout/Tagout Procedure placards are supplied with energy control tags. Each tag contains all information pertaining to the unique energy control device, including unique energy isolation, Lockout and verification procedures. With DEenergize, all device-specific Lockout/Tagout information is placed right where you need it. Examples of DEenergize tags are shown below:

Energy Control Tags - Typical Procedural Tag Examples

Energy Control Tags - Typical Procedural Tag Examples

To inquire about Lockout/Tagout Procedures, high-resolution samples or other related Lockout services, please use the Contact Information page.

last modified: February 11, 2016   Printer Friendly   Top